Private Practice Party Speaker: Featuring Emelie Blank!

Private Practice Party Speaker: Featuring Emelie Blank!

Our Private Practice Party will have three speakers. One of the reasons is so you can learn from your colleagues’ experiences, plus have a chance to talk and network with them afterwards.

You are going to leave the party feeling so incredibly empowered and supported after hearing our them!

Each of our speakers has excelled in multiple ways as they navigate both the clinical and business work. Emelie Blank has an awesome group practice called Sprout Therapy PDX and also has a creative business on the side (I’m so impressed and inspired!).


Meet Emelie:

A. Why did you start a private practice? 

I felt like my needs weren't being met in an agency setting. I felt like I was given messages for so long that private practice was a "selfish" path and was one that would be "too hard" or that was impossible to succeed in. I found that wasn't the case- that what was impossible to succeed in was my agency role. Ultimately, I started my practice because I couldn't pay my bills with my agency job and I am so glad I did. 

B. What do you like about having one? 

I love having the freedom to make my own schedule, to get paid for the hard work I do, and to follow my vision for what I think therapy should look like. 

C. Essentials that you've hired out, essentials that you've determined are better to DIY:

I do a lot- I'm just beginning to work on delegating. I hired out lawyers to make my consents and make sure my business structure is sound and setting the tone for a successful and strong business. I did use a virtual assistant for scheduling for a while, but I found having a more personal touch helped keep our conversion rate up. 

D. Best advice you were given in starting a business/Advice you'd give to others starting out:

Make goals and stick to them. Work hard, it pays off. Set up your business right from the start and you'll be set for the life of your business.

E. How do you define success in private practice? 

Having the freedom to make choices about how I run my business, treat my clients, and live my life.

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