April 2020 Clinical Supervision Topic: Therapeutic Alliance pt. 2

April 2020 Clinical Supervision Topic: Therapeutic Alliance pt. 2

For our clinical supervision sessions in April, we’re going to create some space to discuss the personal and professional impacts of COVID-19 and also continue our conversations around therapeutic alliance (TA). This is our second month covering TA, and we’ll be looking at it from a rupture and repair standpoint.

In every relationship in which there are ongoing interactions, rupture and repair will occur. During this pandemic, it is bound to happen. It could be due to our own heightened level of anxiety, the shift to using a tele-health platform, our clients experiencing an increased sense of chaos, or other factors. Our ability to effectively detect and address rupture will lead to a repair in the relationship.

Check out this 3-min article and come ready to discuss! Please also bring at least one case to brainstorm around at our sessions.

We’ll keep it simple, compassionate and supportive this month. I know you are all strong and competent, but you are also carrying a lot. It’s my hope that our work together makes you feel not alone, and gives you more creativity, self-and-other-compassion, and some joy as you work through this time.

A few housekeeping things:

  • All sessions for April are on-line.

  • Groups schedules are here. If you need to miss a group, you’re welcome to make it up by joining another one if there is an opening in another one. Most groups are full or almost full, so be sure to message me and make arrangements.

  • I’ll be beginning a series for people interested in starting a business during this time (geared towards initially starting as an on-line business). This series will be every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night, 5:30-6:30pm. It will be interactive, on-line and will have 5-10 people (I’ll play around and find the sweet spot for the optimum number of people). Rates are $20-30/month, sliding scale. I’ll give you a business to-do list to work through. The second Wednesday will be NUTS (and bolts), fourth Wednesday will be MARKET (ing). Shoot me an email if you are interested.

  • Marco Polo business support. For $50/mo, you can send me up to 8 Marco Polo messages with your in-the-moment business questions, and I will respond within 24 hours with advice on your next steps, resources available to you, and especially some marketing tools and support. I’ve been trying this out and so far had some great success, so want to widen the offering.

I appreciate the work you are all doing during this time, and am grateful to be part of your support team.

Drop any questions below!

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