Ariana Lloyd, LCSW

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Licensure Workshop at Portland State University

When I graduated with my master’s in social work from PSU in 2010, I didn’t have a clue about how to get my clinical license. I also didn’t understand why I even needed a license, and I definitely didn’t know what clinical supervision was. Well, the student has become the master. Or in this case, the clueless has become the master. In theory.

Now of course I’m passionate about helping other social workers develop professionally and clinically. Clinical supervision has become a big part of the work I do, and I love helping others connect the dots around what actually works in clinical interactions, and what really doesn’t matter. I also love helping people find their strengths, and develop their weaknesses. Everything is a learnable skill, and that’s exciting.

I’m putting on this licensure workshop at PSU. It’s open to everyone interested in getting an Oregon license. We’ll be doing it by Zoom because, you know: pandemic. Message or email me for the link!